Creative India launched their Aurvana Live 2 headsets where the company assures that this unit can deliver ‘true-to-life’ acoustic performance with tighter bass. The MSRP for this headset is Rs. 12,999/- INR. The headset also comes with a cable that splits the audio out and microphone input connectors.
There isn’t much to say, but Creative stated that it is modeled based on its award-winning predecessor and uses 40mm bio-cellulose drives with premium protein faux leather cushions with memory-foam for its earcups. Creative believe that it will provide unmatched comfort for extended wear.
Specifications are as follows:
- Wearing Style Over-the-Ear
- Weight 255g (9oz)
- Main Features Inline Control, Volume Control
- Frequency Response 10Hz ~ 30KHz
- Cable Length 1.2m / 3.9ft
- Microphone Frequency Response: 100Hz ~ 10kHz
- Sensitivity: – 42dBV / Pa
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